Re: Flash & Konqueror -- Coexistence in Question
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On Thursday 25 October 2001 15:09, Allan Sandfeld Jensen wrote:
> On Thursday 25 October 2001 15:31, Robert Tilley wrote:
> > I have placed my ShockwaveFlash.class and files into my
> > .netscape/plugins directory. Konqueror --> Netscape Plugins points to
> > these directories and yet when I visit the Flash site,,
> > windows are brought up informing me that I don't have Flash installed.
> >
> > These windows pop-up in an endless sequence and it takes a good deal of
> > work to stop their appearance. What's wrong with this picture? I know
> > that some people have Flash working with Konqueror.
> I have an installation of kde I compiled myself on a redhat-like machine.
> There flash works without problems in konqueror.
> In debian I have the same problem as Robert, and if I ask konqueror to
> scan for plugins, it always finds two new versions of shockwave, in the end
> producing a longer and longer list of duplicately registered plugins..
OK, I had the same problems after re-installing my desktop with woody and the
sid-kde-packages. But I knew it worked cause I have exactly the same System
on my Laptop (even with a 4.x-flash!). I played around some time but now it
works! I had to install mozilla as well as netscape477. Ill figure out
whatever's necessary and whats redundant or unnecessary. But that may take
some time...
- --
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durch Reichtum, so entspringt doch die reinste Sicherheit aus der Ruhe
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