Re: fixed width fonts for konsole
On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 11:14:26AM +0100, Giles Constant wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> What font is everyone using for konsole when anti-aliased fonts are turned
> on?
> The only two that seem to work that I've found are the various forms of
> courier and Lucida console, both of which look at best, horrible, and at
> worst, unreadable. 'v' and 'V' look rather too similar - I spent nearly 2
> hours trying to debug some python code that was referencing
> "cursor.oidValue" instead of "cursor.oidvalue" thanks to that one :-(
> Is there a truetype or type1 equivalent to "fixed/misc" out there?
This may not be exactly what you are looking for but..
Keith Packard has his own web site,, from there he has
various items including some fonts and example Xftconfig's.
If you download the truetype.tar.gz and unpack it to /usr/lib/X11/fonts
it will create a subdir truetype, then you can add that to your
Xftconfig or $HOME/.xftconfig and XF86Config-4. Then use as
the fixed width font. Has worked fine for me.
Gordon Sadler
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