debian-user Dec 2002 by thread
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- Re: debian user vs. browser plug-ins Travis Crump
- Re: How to get compiler changed to gcc-3.20 W. Paul Mills
- Re: cgi Gary Turner
- gtk2 very slow and memory hungry? Chun Kit Edwin Lau
- How do I do a net install when there's no driver for my nic? Brian Kendig
- Re: Can't get KDE working! Alan Chandler
- Re: Cheap CDs Paul Johnson
- Re: which is the best partition table format? Alan Chandler
- Graphics & Linux Aedificator
- Re: your mail Thorsten Haude
- remote printing Raymond Gree
- No Umlauts in Gnome Apps Thorsten Haude
- Re: dist-upgrade (potato->woody): how to get X back up? ajlewis2
- Re: OT: Major screwup in multiboot Rob Weir
- Re: Sound (SBLive) | Gnome Problems Rob Weir
- Re: Upgrading XFree86 Rob Weir
- Re: cdrecorder and IDE burners Rob Weir
- block webistes Willem-Jan Meijer
- Re: firewall problems !! Matthias Hentges
- caught in apt conflict with libc6, zlib1g and zlib1g-dev Lukas Latz
- Re: block webistes "websites" Hell.Surfers
- scsi errors, how dangerous could it be? Alexey Chetroi
- what is 'fixup'? Leon
- sound over lan fLokNo
- Re: is it possible to install eMule unser wine? Xavier Bestel
- Re: SpamAssassin Config Questions Derrick 'dman' Hudson
- Re: cfdisk revisited Derrick 'dman' Hudson
- Re: Exim permissions Derrick 'dman' Hudson
- testing - no new packages Richard Kimber
- IDE disks won't interoperate Oliver Elphick
- Re: Alternative to jdiskusage and xdiskusage? Derrick 'dman' Hudson
- block websites Willem-Jan Meijer
- Re: apt after installation Chris Lale
- setting up USB Bruce Park
- Re: is software raid across two networked machines possible ? Bob Proulx
- How to install proper Java? (1.3.1 or 1.4.1 SDK) Lukas Latz
- Re: Will Gregg and Monica's computer support Debian? Pigeon
- Re: Wanna make sure I don't screw the list up! Pigeon
- USB Mouse Logitech Trackman Casey Scott
- Voodoo Graphics Dennis Krinke
- Exim + Procmail + Cyrus David Ellis
- dhclient problems Robert J. Lynn Jr.
- getting rid of xfonts-100dpi Bruce Park
- Mutt and multiple identities Matthew Daubenspeck
- Font anti-aliasing Bruno Diniz de Paula
- Re: usb mouse Bruce Park
- Re: DMI pool data messmate
- who knows a V.92 compatible ISP? Hell.Surfers
- kbdrate as ordinary user Ward Vandewege
- what's everyone's favorite audio setup? sean finney
- Robert L. Harris
- The IP MASQ MTU problem Mark Copper
- Apache dies after logrotate Iain
- MSN Messenger SERVER for linux? David Ellis
- Packages to run kernel 2.4.x on potato (release 27) Adrian Bunk
- What is a 'path'? alex
- unsubscribe lameth
- Re: How to enable DMA at boot time Clive Standbridge
- configuring X Bruce Park
- correction USB mouse Bruce Park
- HELP, PLEASE!! Apt-Get update Errors Xavian-Anderson Macpherson
- Re: [OT]: is this crap? -> wininformant headline "Most InsecureOS? Yep, It's Linux" Kent West
- Which CD Burning software will support on the fly Music cd-cd copy? Snr. Bonaparte
- weird X effect Bruce Park
- where to download KDE Bruce Park
- "Missing character set" Alex Malinovich
- X spontaniously dieing Mark Whaite
- Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2002 #646 Joshua David Spitzberg
- Re: Advanced procmail question Oliver Fuchs
- how to change shells Michelle Storm
- pam_limits error Michelle Storm
- try to copy iso to cd-rw in window xp failed, need help! eric
- subscribe Xavian-Anderson Macpherson
- <Possible follow-ups>
- subscribe Kevin . Bewley
- Now that I am up (help now please) ZephyrQ
- RE: IMAP & SMTP services Andrew R Reid
- Re: Subject: Re: mozilla/unstable + java-jvm = crash Rob Weir
- Re: spamassassin & razor Rob Weir
- Re: sawfish makes itself x-window-manager Erik Steffl
- Re: different flavors Bill Wohler
- JFS or XFS? Klaus Imgrund
- SSH vs SSH2 Niclas Söderlund
- Portmap Niclas Söderlund
- 783/tcp hp-alarm-mgr Niclas Söderlund
- SOLVED Re: Color setting of GTK-programs Setyo Nugroho
- Re: ISP does not 'support' Linux Osamu Aoki
- Re: Setting Hostname after BOOPT/DHCP Dave Whiteley
- gcc and X Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
- How to have many Win98 users & 1 Linux DSC Siltec
- apt - preferences Tom Allison
- sunffb Tom Huggett
- Re: two different netenvs (work and home) Rohan Nicholls
- Woes with X config Andrew J. Cousino
- kernel wont compile Sarath Menon
- can't change cdrom speed suresh kumar sharma
- stability in KDE3 and Gnome2 Bruce Park
- dselect wants to uninstall everything? Brian Kendig
- vtk 4.0: lot of problems Alberto Bert
- Debian on CD Kris P.- Mother Lode Internet Tech Support
- Problems with "circular dependencies" Wathen, Metherion
- audio problems Bruce Park
- how to let linux(2.2.18) read the cd-rw-disk formated in xp eric
- installing new kernel-image Rodrigo Agerri (ylbaggar)
- Euro-sign... Tom
- Wireless Network Setup Problem Thomas H. George,,,
- Error: inetd[597]: auth/tcp: bind: Address already in use Michelle Storm
- support for cluster maintenance? Hannes Loeffler
- installing new kernel-image (solved) Rodrigo Agerri
- Enterasys CSIBD-AA wireless pcmcia card.... where to get drivers... Walter Tautz
- Proftp behind firewall Michael Olds
- Re: apt error, Dynamic MMap ran out of room Walter Tautz
- ipsec (freeswan) Ionel Mugurel Ciobica
- How to not-send email to a system user Sergio Mendoza
- Problems setting up an USB Network (W Zaurus) chainy
- Proftp behind firewall problem solved Michael Olds
- apache log question Robert Waldner
- What does "buffers" and "cache" mean? Tobias Kraus
- Booting 2 Linuxes with LILO alberto
- EXIM relay for specific users Michael Olds
- Re: EXIM relay for specific users P. M. Wright
sid-sawfish windows borders missing Phil Reardon
ICP Vortex RAID in Debian 3.0 Karl R. Balsmeier
how does one format a floppy to use a vfat partition jcunningham
Can not log into Gnome2 Anthony and Mary Ann Tantillo
kde sources Bruce Park
xntp v's ntp David Cureton
Quick way to set up printing? ZephyrQ
Blinking Keyboard Light Error Condition Codes after early boot freeze Elizabeth Barham
ppthtml help needed Sandip P Deshmukh
Re: [OT] latex, pdflatex and graphics formats Tom Cook
Re: Help configuring old mozilla compile Oki DZ
Eterm windows other than 24 lines Bill Wohler
debian rocks Bruce Park
kdm root login Bruce Park
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