debian-user Jul 2000 by thread
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- Fdisk Jay Kelly
- Re: Apache Web Server question Ethan Benson
- Re: Which window manager Andre Berger
- creating custom cds Joseph de los Santos
- Re: GNOME+Sawmill workspaces Ed Cogburn
- Re: Postgresql 7.02 and Debian Stefan Nobis
- xfree 4.0 and Matrox Sven Richter
- Re: SSL for smtp & pop Robert Varga
- Xemacs/GNUs and decoding attachments Andre Berger
- Re: Postfix troubles Miles Bader
- Re: FW: ppp help Daniel Reuter
- Re: clobbered fonts--intermittant David S. Jackson
- webserver inside debian firewall Nick
- rpm's Pete Chudykowski
- ipportfw problem Brad Reid
- pty-redir package? Chris R. Martin
- Major Network Issues Chris HOOVER
- apache.. how to keep newer verison than that of Debvian apt-get Gregory Guthrie
- deb Vitaliy Bondarenko
- Ricoh MP-7080A cd-burner hangs system jpeach
- Re: X broken at 3.3.6-8 potato update!!! a work-around fix John Goerzen
- Problems with terminal Marcio Rosa da Silva
- Re: problem reading vim online dox Nate Bargmann
- Re: Cheap printer? Mike Werner
- apt-get Pete Chudykowski
- DPT SmartRAID VI ? Owen G. Emry
- OFFTOPIC : Computer stores exporting Patrick Barr
- Re: telnet vs ^Z Will Trillich
- Re: how to upgrade debian to 2.2 Will Trillich
- Re: .muttrc Will Trillich
- Re: Manipulating file content Will Trillich
- Re: problems with modules Albrecht Frank
- how to extract a single file from a debian package? a
- PPP help (bit 7 set to 0) Gochenourj, Ashby
- Re: rank newbie - no mouse Kent West
- fvwm2 alt-tab = Windowlist works strange. Michiel Meeuwissen
- man pages Michael Soulier
- Majordomo Approvals Andrew McRobert
- Re: (slink+0.75)->potato login problem Peter Allen
- DHCPCD Errors Jon Hughes
- Nouvelle version m . dworaczek
- sources.list posted recently . . . Phillip Deackes
- ctags Question Viktor Rosenfeld
- slink-->frozen perl ? tjm
- X-Windows. voy1d
- [no subject] Новосад
- non-US Packages Russ Pitman
- MS Proxy Michal Novak
- Re: g++ ? Felix Natter
- Re: ESS sound support ? Felix Natter
- Re: *.deb files : installation Santiago Vila
- running lilo -R as user Preben Randhol
- X-Server configuration Marcel Karras
- woody: backspace and altgr broken in X Andre Majorel
- RE: find question Andrew Kae
- woody->potato, woody->slink, potato->slink? John Anthony Kazos Jr.
- netbios Goeman Stefan
- Lilo RaiViL
- sawmill is a herring bone screen Lindsay Allen
- Installing TC2 disks Greg Vence
- Compaq ProLiant ML350 A. Scott White
- Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP) hvirtane
- Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP) Nathan E Norman
- Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP) virtanen
- Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP) David Karlin
- Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP) Nathan E Norman
- Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP); Slink, Potato, Corel virtanen
- Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP); Slink, Potato, Corel Bob Nielsen
- Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP); Slink, Potato, Corel virtanen
- Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP); Slink, Potato, Corel Nathan E Norman
- Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP); Slink, Potato, Corel virtanen
- Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP); Slink, Potato, Corel virtanen
- Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP); Slink, Potato, Corel Pann McCuaig
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP) Andrei Ivanov
- list test Gochenourj, Ashby
- Compability of a mother board Dragon
- Tape Backup Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
- How to create console fonts from TTF, BDF, PCF Dinesh Nadarajah
- pgp_encryptself in Mutt 1.2i and pgp5 Erik van der Meulen
- Sendmail and multiple domains Ron Rademaker
- Installing Potato CD's Greg Vence
- rxvt -> strange Christopher Mosley
- kernel 2.2.17 boot disk prob! Sven Burgener
- need xconsole Nick
- Re: Problems installing Netscape Olaf Meeuwissen
- lost X in woody..... Bruno Boettcher
- xconsole Nick
- can't remove "directories" Pollywog
- qpopper problmes help! Nick
- Driver modem Luis_Mario Cavanna
- !ae as default text-editor on base-install S. Champ
- window-managers and GUI environments S. Champ
- Ip Change Jay Kelly
- Bad symlinks with CD-RW's erik
- Some details about the Traceroute implementation Rafael Stekolshchik
- Cutting logfiles... ?! Oliver Schoenknecht
- [no subject] Goeman Stefan
- Install-boot failure Suresh Kumar.R
- xterm cannot execute xterm (fwd) Roy John Little
- Exim and "frozen" message status Alec Smith
- Desperately looking for help with a PCMCIA SCSI card! Juan C. Amengual
- using password aging with ssh thomas lakofski
- static routes Marc Dubrowski
- deb..deb cryptohackery Nick Herring
- Kernel Source Code [New User] Shel Johnson
- gnome-errors & scwm Patrick Dahiroc
- Securing telnet Patrick Kirk
- hi Mahadev Cholachgudda
- Re: hi Michael Soulier
- <Possible follow-ups>
- hi Trefois
- hi David
- Http Mail Previ
- Mustek 12000SP (SANE) Sven Richter
- Can't use USRobotics detect Leonardo Stern
- RE: HeaderName in Apache autoindex Chris Nolan
- Compiling BIND 8.2.2 P5 Derek Wueppelmann
- Re: Pb installing Debian 2.1 kmself
- Re: Segmentation fault Eric G . Miller
- network problems running frozen on alpha Geoff Mitchell
- Re: kernel-2.2.17-image boot disk prob! Sven Burgener
- unsubscribing from list [was: HHHEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!] David Karlin
- Re: Ugly console font kmself
- Re: problem with cdrom kmself
- Re: Screen Capture kmself
- debian cron: How do I change when /etc/cron.daily/standard is scheduled? Ewing, Jeff I
- Supported Hardware. Carl Burton
- a lazy question john smith
- Unidentified subject! john smith
- firewall script Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
- oops..sorry for the blank msg earlier john smith
- woody man segfaults when run as root Brendan Cully
- Helix Gnome vs Debian Gnome -- worth the upgrade? Edwin Lau
- Bridging Chris Hellberg
- wired error when compiling 2.2.16 Shao Zhang
- UUENCODED attachmets Felipe Alvarez Harnecker
- font question Joseph de los Santos
- boa & doc-central -- Work for anyone? Eric G . Miller
- [no subject]
- [no subject] ben
- Upgrade advice Guðmundur Erlingsson
- mysqldump Clinton Byrne
- help with installing Nisse Hellberg
- Network (internet) problems Alex V. Toropov
- how to enable 'quake mouse'? Attila Csosz
- Potato and Helix-Gnome Robert Maynord
- NIS configuration problem Alberto Rodríguez Ortega
- scp alternative Chris Mason
- Socks4 Honderdors, Raymond
- sendmail problem: HELLLPPPPPP!!! Ron Rademaker
- Re: linux + wan (frame relay) Jens B. Jorgensen
- Kernel upgrade Jay Kelly
- X tunneling with SSH Sven Gaerner
- Trouble with PCMCIA-card Guðmundur Erlingsson
- Potato and Helix-Gnome - Solved! Robert Maynord
- Weird sendmail problem Ron Rademaker
- /etc/mtab wiped clean after mke2fs is run Peter S Galbraith
- konqueror (KDE) problem: Could not create view for .... Bernhard Josef Rieder
- Unattended installation updates ? Markus Fischer
- exim question Ron Rademaker
- Relay problem, Listar & Exim andreas palsson
- PS/2 Mouse in Gnome SOLUTION! Robert Maynord
- Re: X fonts (2) Marcio Rosa da Silva
- I needing driver for Yamaha 740 chip Rudy I Marschall
- how can my program interact with dpkg a
- installing ipmasqadm Nick
- how to view /usr/doc/xbooks/specs/Xaw/CH1 a
- [NEWBIE] Japanese keyboard Christophe Jasiak
- Driver Michael Cole
- <Possible follow-ups>
- driver Hein Barlag
- Image copy of a floppy, how? Antonio Rodriguez
- server crashed zdrysdal
- Offering external services, rlogins, smtp etc: how does it work? Mark Phillips
The last update was on 21:11 GMT Sun May 24. There are 3164 messages. Page 1 of 7.
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