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Brazilian mirrors (was: Re: Kernel Source Code [New User])

On Jul 04 2000, Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote:
> :: On Tue, 4 Jul 2000 15:18:33 -0300, Rogerio Brito <rbrito@iname.com> said:
> Hi Roger.

	Hi, Jeronimo.

> > 	Don't use that site. Use ftp://ftp.xx.kernel.org/ instead
> > 	(where xx is your country code) to let the community mirror it
> > 	faster.
> > 	In the same way, don't use ftp.debian.org. Use some mirror
> > 	like ftp.xx.debian.org.
> BTW, have you had any success acceessing {http|ftp}.br.debian.org? I
> tried the Brazilian mirrors several times a few months ago and gave
> up...

	Indeed the mirrors are not working because the Brazilian
	mirror had a disk crash (the mirror is one of the computers
	at the Physics Institute of USP and they've been having
	problems with their power plant and now that it is solved,
	with bureaucracy).

	And it appears that it won't be usable any time soon. :-(

> What's the best option for us, in case the .br.debian really doesn't
> work?

	I've been using the US mirrors. Since http.us.debian.org is
	not just one machine (half a dozen or so), if you have
	problems downloading from the site (like slow connection),
	just disconnect and try again. apt will probably use another

	That said, sometimes I've had better luck with the us.debian
	sites than with br.debian when it was operational.

> thanks!
> J.

	You're welcome, friend!

	[]s, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - rbrito@iname.com - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito/
     Nectar homepage: http://www.linux.ime.usp.br/~rbrito/nectar/

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