debian-user May 2000 by thread
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Internal error installing recompiled kernel 2.2.14 mh
Help with apachie Brian Schramm
kernel upgrade UMUM
How to configure X? Eduardo Hidalgo Contreras
aha1520 scsi card Paul
Debian ISDN connection configuration prob Alain Bosch
Passing an input file through mail. Corey Popelier
fsync error while upgrade jure . buble
Potato iso Emilis
arpwatch and the never Ending Syslog Andresito del Hierro
php3-mode for xemacs martin
consultant Rob Lilley
apt-get interrupted download Johann Spies
grip and cdparanoia, must run suid? Kenneth Scharf
cactvs Hans Gubitz
ppp error Kreaped Ripping Reaper
Re: Problems leaving computer on overnight Alexander Clouter
usb floppy drive/anything pplaw
alt-gr key not working in woody Rolf Schillinger
How to install via local ftp? Hans
Help, please. PCI128 sound card seen, but not heard kvaughan
/etc/ Marc Haber
cdrecord question Andrew Kae
WU-FTPD and passive ftp Richard A Nelson
Re: Coda filesystem? Christoph Gaitzsch
what does [shellutils on hurd] mean? Dan Christensen
RE: Two modems Robert Varga
potato ready for ip-masquerade, or need to recompile kernel? Stan Kaufman
KDE & various deb - matters Sven Burgener
OT: Marcin Kurc
overhead slides? Brian May
(alsa) snd: card is out of range (0-0) Richard Black
Now Can't Mount the CDROM MSaxena358
LS-120 install Thomas Crulli
Boot problem James Ravan
nn installed, but where is nnmaster M Techter
potato intallation failed David Karlin
Damaged dpkg Thomas Luft
rWfm? what's in this log file-- w trillich
Lilo-question Johann Spies
kaffe 1.0.5 for Linux pppc jblanche
hi and ? Robert Fendt
mschap compiled into ipppd? idsnutils 3.0-20 (potateo) Bernd Harmsen
lilo mbr on hda with linux on hdc? Philip Lehman
Subject: LS-120 install Kenneth Scharf
CD R/W no CD present? Lance Hoffmeyer
Chimera and gzipped files Lance Hoffmeyer
SOLVED: Internal error installing recompiled kernel 2.2.14 mheyes
Promise FastTtrack66 RAID Card Raven Winter
network start time Robert Fendt
Exim Subject rejection, (I LOVE YOU) Paul Kallstrom
[OT] VBS Script Summary (I love you) Nathan E Norman
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [OT] VBS Script Summary (I love you) Andreas Rabus
cron & exim message in logs John Bagdanoff
Don't know what's happening... [root: Cron <root@Mercury> test -e /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily] Edwin Lau Chun Kit
New Package Notification Cory T. Echols
XDM & i810
Debian booth at European LinuxTag 2000 Martin Schulze
RE: Exim Subject rejection, (* **** ***) Ralf G. R. Bergs
Howto re-configure an already configured package ? Alain Papazoglou
problem with 2.3.99 kernel Pollywog
storm install problems russell simmons
can't get smtm to run Adam Shand
Apt-get problem Steve Kennedy
bugrepporting Kreaped Ripping Reaper
"write" source UMUM
Re: bigots - was Emacs - was Mail/news software Jonathan Markevich
RE: problem with 2.3.99 kernel SOLVED Pollywog
ftp'ing to NT zdrysdal
Re: Which LINUX deja luser
pointing /dev/hda* to a different lable? ktb
Using ipmasq and vtun Clark Rawlins
Storm Linux Christopher Clark
OT: Repair a harddisk partition Shao Zhang
Installation Problems Carl Kehley
The last update was on 01:23 GMT Fri May 15. There are 3710 messages. Page 1 of 8.
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