Re: mutt and courier-imapd
In article <>,
Brian May <> wrote:
>>>>>> "Brian" == Brian May <> writes:
> Brian> I did see one listed in
> Brian>, but doesn't it
> Brian> doesn't apply cleanly to courier-imap-0.31 (probably
> Brian> cutting and pasting from the web page messes it up).
>I can't get this patch to apply cleanly, not matter what I do.
Well, the patch is definitely OK:
% tar xfz ~/ftp/courier-imap-0.31.tar.gz
% cd courier-imap-0.31
% patch -p1 < ../../courier-0.32pre1-fixes.patch
patching file `imap/fetch.c'
patching file `imap/imapd.c'
patching file `imap/search.c'
patching file `maildir/deliverquota.c'
patching file `maildir/maildirpurgetmp.c'
.. but the problem is indeed most likely the fact that you can't
just copy it from the webpage.
I'll send the patch base6 encoded to the BTS in a few minutes,
and I'll Cc: it to you.
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