Re: arpwatch and the never Ending Syslog
On Wed, 2000-05-03 12:20:01 +0200, Andresito del Hierro wrote:
> After I installed arpwatch the syslog grows and grows and
> grows! then I looked to the init.d script and found that the
> ARGS option is set at "" by default. Would be better to have it
> set to "-b" by default?.
The basic idea here is that normally you shouldn't see any
bogons. Having -b the default is much like closing your eyes to
make yourself believe that the problem doesn't exist in the first
place. If you get a lot of bogons, something is broken with your
network (in some cases is intentional, like in a test lab), but I
guess it's not the majority of the cases.
> start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec $DAEMON
> [...]
> start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec $DAEMON -- $ARGS
The way of implementing your idea is correct, but last time I
checked start-stop-daemon it failed to stop a service started up
such way.
.+'''+. .+'''+. .+'''+. .+'''+. .+''
Kelemen Péter / \ / \ /
.+' `+...+' `+...+' `+...+' `+...+'
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