Subject: LS-120 install
>I was trying to install debian (frozen) on my laptop
>the other day but got stuckon the following. i have a
>LS-120 drive (for "superdisks" which is backwards
>compatible with 1.44MB disks) which i was using to
>boot the install disk. the
>images i used were the ones from the idepci
>the system started booting, the image on the floppy
>started booting as well
>until it gave the following message:
> Insert the root floppy disk to be loaded into
>RAM disk and press Enter.
>(or something like that)
>i tried pressing enter with the disk i had used to
>boot from since i believe
>that's all i needed (i was gonna do an harddrive
>install with base2_2.tgz on
>another linux partition). i even tried the driver
>just in case...
>nothing seemed to do it...
Actually you need two floppy disk images (at least)
the boot disk, and the root disk. The boot disk has
the kernel, the root disk has the rest of the system
(includes the installer).
However (someone correct me if I'm wrong) the disks
were written to run on a real floppy NOT off an
ide-floppy (which the ls120 is) and would probably die
at the point that you tried to insert the the root
disk and hit return, it would never find the root disk
since it was looking at /dev/fd0, not /dev/hdxx where
the ls120 is! I have never managed to install of an
ls120 so I still have a floppy in my
computers.....along with an ls120.
I bet zip drives have the same problem. OTOH booting
off a cd rom drive DOES work....
am i doing something wrong with the disks i'm using or
is it a problem with the LS-120 support?
thanks for any help,
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