Re: hi and ?
Check out this file: /etc/init.d/network (/etc/network/interfaces in
2.2). I'll give you a example /etc/init.d/network I guess that should be
enough to find out how you shoould edit it. After you've edited it, just
do /etc/init.d/network (on both machines of course) and your network
should be ready for use... (/etc/init.d/network will probably give 2
errors, but they aren't interesting and no problem).
Example /etc/init.d/network
#! /bin/sh
ifconfig lo
route add -net
ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
route add -net ${NETWORK}
[ "${GATEWAY}" ] && route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1
The GATEWAY part is only needed if one of both machines is on the internet
and gives the other access, if you don't have that just leave the area
after GATEWAY's = blank.
Ron Rademaker
On Thu, 4 May 2000, Robert Fendt wrote:
> hi folks,
> my name is rob and i'm a project engineer with a company in bavaria (no, not
> bmw :-) ). i'm using debian/gnu linux 2.1, kernel version 2.0.38 on 2
> machines: one laptop (amd k6/266MHz, 64MB ram) and one pc (i486DX2, 66MHz,
> 16MB ram).
> recently i managed that both machines recognize their nic's (yeah!), which are
> a 3com 3c589D (PCMCIA) in the laptop and a UMC9008 (ISA, NE2000 clone) in the
> other pc.
> now, as you might have guessed, i am planning to hook those two up via
> ethernet, so i can telnet from one machine to the other, mount files systems
> of the other machine and do all other kinds of fancy things. (yes, i'm a
> newbie ;) ).
> BUT at the moment i can't seem to figure out what has to be done in order to
> set the IP adresses for both machines right, i.e. i don't know in which files
> i have to enter what to make all this work.
> i have read the ethernet-HOWTO and the networking-HOWTO, but somehow it was
> pretty late at night and i wasn't able to get the info i wanted. on the other
> hand i'm sure that, as no internetworking is involved, this should be the
> easiest exercise for you gurus out there, so i hope you can give me some hints
> how to proceed or point me to some documents on the net that deal with my
> "problem"
> thanx in advace
> rob
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- References:
- hi and ?
- From: Robert Fendt <>