Re: Emacs - was Re: Mail/news software
On Sun, 30 Apr 2000 19:35:31 -0400, Rob Lilley wrote:
>Different Strokes for different folks.
>Emacs - "Show a newbie that and you will see the dust as he turns
>and runs back to the Windows camp" <smile>. Emacs and Linux/Unix
>for that matter is not for everybody - its there because of and
>for the growing few that want to learn to swim upstream against
>the current. [...]
>There is a romance behind all of this wonderful esoteric stuff
> - let's face it, those in the world of windows will never
>reach out and touch the actual kernel of it all.
I disagree with you: Linux is nice because it works, and not because
it's esoteric. That's exactly the reason why I chose OS/2 five years
ago, and why I'm switching to Linux now. As Linux matures, there'll be
less and less need to improve the kernel and the core services of the
OS, and more effort will be spent on the UI, including popular
applications, which means that more and more people will find the
system useful. Most of them won't want to 'touch the actual kernel of
it all', what they'll want is a usable system.
Emacs, vi, development tools are fine for developers (I also decided to
learn Emacs and vi -- not at the wizard level, but to be able to use
them when needed), and it's reasonable not to expect the masses to use
them, but it's not the same case with Linux (I hope :-)
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