Re: Using gnuserv (Re: bigots - was Emacs - was Mail/news software)
>>>>> "Peter" == Peter S Galbraith <> writes:
Peter> Here's why I use gnuserv all the time. Say I in a shell in a
Peter> directory called
Peter> /deb/potato/home/rhogee/deb/gri/CVS/gri/doc/cookbook and I
Peter> want to edit a file in Emacs. I could go in Emacs and type
Peter> C-x C-f and then type in (or cut/paste) the whole path.
Peter> That's arduous.
Oh, no, I agree -- that's why I tend toward vi in those
situations. However, over the weekend I've been playing with
gnuserv/gnuclient in XEmacs, and I'm getting towards liking it.
Peter> How to set it up (in slink anyway):
[snip Peter's method]
Okay, that could work -- but I'm too forgetful to remember if there's
already an XEmacs process running -- anybody have a shell script that
will execute the following pseudocode?
if there's an XEmacs process running
`gnuclient -q $1`
`xemacs -nw $1`
Hmm -- I guess all I really need is the flag to test for a running
process by name -- any help?
[ John S Jacobs Anderson ]------><>
[ Genehack: Not your daddy's weblog ]------><URL:>
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