Re: mutt and courier-imapd
>>>>> "Adam" == Adam Shand <> writes:
Adam> just fyi there was a patch to courier imap to fix this
Adam> problem (and one with gnus) announced on freshmeat today.
>> Where can I get this patch for Gnus?
Adam> on freshmeat like i said. it's not a patch for gnus though,
Adam> it's a patch to courier-imap to fix a compatibility problem
Adam> with gnus.
I couldn't see any patch file listed here...
I did see one listed in,
but doesn't it doesn't apply cleanly to courier-imap-0.31 (probably
cutting and pasting from the web page messes it up).
Where can I get a clean version of this patch? For now, I will try
and request a copy of the bug report via mail.
Brian May <>
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