Re: Problems leaving computer on overnight
On Thu, 27 Apr 2000, Bryan K. Walton wrote:
> OK, now on to my present problem:
> I have a Thinkpad 390E (266mhz and 128 meg of Ram) running Debian frozen
> at my place of work. Historically, I have shutdown my laptop every night
> and then rebooted every morning. But, as I understand that Linux doesn't
> need to be rebooted all of the time, I thought I would start to leave it
> running, but it presents me with some problems.
> I have apm disabled in the bios. But when I come in each morning,
> my computer is CREEPING. From the wdm login screen, it takes about 5
> minutes to load Gnome. But even if it loads, it then takes another minute
> to open any program such as Netscape. When I run top, nothing shows up
> odd. The only way I have found to fix this problem is to reboot.
> Is there a program out there that I need to install to fix
> this? Is this a bug in frozen? How can I, or should I give my computer a
> "jolt" of energy?
I get this problem about every 1 in 10 (maybe 15) suspends. From what I
can tell CPU Idle calls are being constantly called so slowing your
machine to a grinding halt (however giving you lots of battery life
:) ). I have tried lots of APM kernel compile options to try and stop
this from happening however I haven't found out how to fix the problem
However I have found a "sort-of" work around (well it works on my
laptop). As root type "apm -s", putting your machine into suspend (or
hibernate). Leave for a few seconds (5ish) and then resume you
machine. This seems to fix the problem for me. However sometimes do to
the laws of probability you get this slow down occuring twice in a row :(
just repeat those steps and hopefully the odds are on your side :)
I hope this has helped
** ((__)) Alexander "Jim diGriz" Clouter
\\ ((oo))
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~~~ ~~~ equip : 300Mhz Celeron Laptop running
Cow during an Debian Potato Linux
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