Re: Help, please. PCI128 sound card seen, but not heard
At 10:25 PM 5/3/00 -0700, Chris Baker <>
> <> writes:
>> On Wed, May 03, 2000 at 05:25:14PM -0700, wrote:
>> > Did you compile in the 'sound' module or leave it as a module? I've seen
>> Yes. The es1371 driver is compiled directly into the kernel. I recompiled
>> the kernel (as another image and choice under lilo) with module support to
>I don't know that much about ALSA, but I think you're supposed to have
>everything compiled as modules for it to work. If I were you (and,
>indeed, this is what I did since I have an sb128, too), I would ditch
>all the ALSA stuff, compile sound and the es1371 driver into your
>kernel (which I believe you've already done), run aumix to set the
That's the frustrating part. I've compiled it in, run aumix, and nothing.
BTW, I did trash ALSA (not believing it was 'bad," but things were
beginning to get cluttered and I needed a clear road...) and recompile for
module loading support. I have tried to load es1371 with no luck, but
followed that by the demo version of the OSS driver off their site. _That_
worked first time.
I'm really beginning to think the problem may lie in some subtle change in
newer versions of the card which require a tweak in the code to initialize
them properly. Something that OSS has worked out commercially but not yet
in the free zone.
Either that or I've totally missed something. Does anyone know if any
parameters should be passed to the es1371 driver? None were apparent to me.
Thanks for all the input from all of you!
Dr. Kenward Vaughan ':,^'````
Professor of Chemistry \;:/
Bakersfield College |,;|
Bakersfield, CA 93305 / ', \
/ o O \ (oOoOOoOo)
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