Re: Help, please. PCI128 sound card seen, but not heard
Did you compile in the 'sound' module or leave it as a module? I've seen
these symptoms once when the 'sound' module was not loaded.
Gregg Berkholtz
On Wed, May 03, 2000 at 10:19:16AM -0700, wrote:
> I'm using the 2.2.14 kernel on an Asus k7V mb(Athlon), and have compiled
> into the kernel the ES1371 sound driver. On bootup the card is detected at
> irq 10 and a memory address of 0x9000 (which does NOT happen with the
> ES1370 driver).
> I have added myself (as a normal user) to the audio and cdrom groups, and
> have installed several mixers to ensure the master volume (and everything
> else, in frustration) is cranked up.
> No sound whatsoever. Cd plays (lights up), but nothing else. All cables
> are set properly. It works under Winblows98 with no alterations, and I've
> confirmed the irq/mem settings there. Same settings on both systems for
> other cards too, with no conflicts. I have a Voodoo 3 AGP and an SMC
> 10/100 card in other slots.
> I installed a modules-ready 2.2.14 kernel and the latest version of the
> ALSA drivers, compiled according to directions, reconf'd the alias file for
> modules, and again see the card being ID'd (and again, the ens1370.o module
> does Not work). No sound. Mixer again agressively manipulated with no
> results. :\
> I haven't run across anything helpful in the list archives, and the only
> suggestion for no sound in the docs is the use of the mixer (and I used the
> alsamixer for that module).
> Can anyone offer some advice here?? Thanks!
> Kenward
> (at work, under NT :( )
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Gregg Berkholtz
GB Computers
-- Why fly when you can strut. --
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