Re: Learning Linux
Kerstin Hoef-Emden wrote:
> > Red Hat is more automated than Debian, so the initial set up would be
> > easier with Red Hat. However, Debian gives you more control and the
> > chance to understand what's going on in more detail.
> Most people coming from Windows world, prefer SuSE to RedHat, but I´ve
> read, that Mandrake and Corel Linux are easier to handle for a newbie
> than SuSE. Debian is something for people who want to jump into the cold
> water and learn heavily right from the beginning. Slackware seems to be
> more for hardcore people. I cannot say anything about the different
Let me put in a plug for stormix here - also debian based, but it just
feels better integrated with straight debian then corel does. I've
helped a few people do corel installs (they wanted an easier installer)
and in the end they ended up switching to stormix because of problems
when they tried to add non-corel debs (mostly kde based stuff) to their
corel systems.
Now whenever I have to help someone non-technical set up a linux box I
start them with stormix and then update their /etc/apt/sources.list and
apt-get update;apt-get upgrade
Your mileage may vary of course.
Joe Block <>
CREOL System Administrator
Social graces are the packet headers of everyday life.
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