Re: Installation Problems
On Fri, May 05, 2000 at 05:51:07AM -0400, Carl Kehley wrote:
> Need some help here.
> System specs:
> Athlon 700
> FIC motherboard
> 256MB sdram
> Seagate ST 27.4g hard drive UDMA66
> Diamond Stealth III S 540 video card
> Sound Blaster PCI 128 sound card
> Realtek 8139 network card
> Acer 4x4x32 cdrw
> 36x cdrom (both ide)
> Attempting to install O'Reilly version of debian 2.1 from cd, as 3rd OS,
> along with Win98SE and Mandrake 7.0.2
> Installer recognizes all devices, then I get the following: NCR53c406a,
> no ports available. Does the NC indicate a scsi device? From info at
> the debian site, that is what I believe? I've tried installing from
> both cdrom's, uninstalling and physically removing the network card.
> Any suggestions, please?
I don't have specific experience with your configuration.
There have been several posts to this list regarding the NCR53 series
SCSI adapter messages. I don't recall a resolution of the problem, but
you might try searching Deja. My thought is that disabling certain
device probes might help, but I've got no experience to support it.
There have also been several reports of problems with (version of?) the
ORA install disk distributed with _Learning Debian GNU/Linux_. An
alternative is to do a floppy-based install (instructions on the Debian
website under Docs), which also requires downloading a disk image. You
should then be able to add additional packages from the ORA disk.
Karsten M. Self <> http:/
What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
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