LS-120 install
I was trying to install debian (frozen) on my laptop
the other day but got stuckon the following. i have a
LS-120 drive (for "superdisks" which is backwards
compatible with 1.44MB disks) which i was using to
boot the install disk. the
images i used were the ones from the idepci
the system started booting, the image on the floppy
started booting as well
until it gave the following message:
Insert the root floppy disk to be loaded into
RAM disk and press Enter.
(or something like that)
i tried pressing enter with the disk i had used to
boot from since i believe
that's all i needed (i was gonna do an harddrive
install with base2_2.tgz on
another linux partition). i even tried the driver disk
just in case...
nothing seemed to do it...
am i doing something wrong with the disks i'm using or
is it a problem with the LS-120 support?
thanks for any help,
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