RE: Promise FastTtrack66 RAID Card
This controller is a regular IDE one, with *software RAID* Windows and BIOS
You can even modify their regular model slightly and it will accept the
FastTrack66 BIOS.
I'm afraid it will, if anything, be used as regular IDE controller. Only Win98
users can reap some benefit from this piece of junk, the poor sods have no
soft RAID capability in their OS. It hasn't even got a CPU or any cache. RAID
conroller... bah!!
Send it back if you can.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raven Winter []
> Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 3:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: Promise FastTtrack66 RAID Card
> Has anyone had any experience or success getting Debain to run on a Promise
> FastTrack66 IDE RAID card? I tried moving a Debain setup from the onobard
> IDE to the FT66 IDE but LILO only got to "LIL-" and died. So I thought
> maybe I should see if anyone else has had experience with the FastTrack
> before I continue.
> Thanks,
> Raven
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