Re: make-kpkg fail: can't find modversions.h (compiling pcmcia-modules)
> >>"Mark" == Mark Phillips <> writes:
> Mark> I think this is the problem. I shouldn't have to do the configuring
> Mark> myself because make-kpkg should do it for me. For some reason it
> Mark> seems that it doesn't. It sounds like a bug with make-kpkg.
> No, this is pilot error. Please read the documentation that
> comes with kernel-package; it details exactly what one needs to do.
I thought I was following the documentation, but it sounds like I
misread it.
I presume you are talking about the "README.modules" file? I did
follow these instructions, except that I have always been under the
impression that the first "step 3)" was optional. If I summarise the
1) Install modules source
2) Do "make menuconfig"
3) If you want a kernel-image do "make-kpkg --revision number
3) If you want a modules package "make-kpkg --revision number
4) Use "dpkg -i" to install.
I thought that the first of these "step 3)"s was only necessary if you
wanted a new kernel-image package. Are you saying that the first
"step 3)" is necessary even if you already have an appropriate kernel
image? I thought I had skipped this step in the past without difficulty.
But perhaps I had done the kernel compilation earlier without doing a
clean and that's why it worked???
Anyway, it sounds like I have misunderstood. Perhaps an extra little
note that this step is not optional as well as giving the two steps
separate numbers would help avoid such missunderstandings.
The other thing I might mention, is that a number of the files,
"README.modules", "README.tecra" etc etc, do not appear in the
/usr/doc/kernel-package directory. Then are in the
/usr/lib/kernel-package/ directory. I only found them by doing a
"locate" command. Perhaps it would be useful to make links to these
files so they show up in the /usr/doc/kernel-package directory?
By the way, I hope my comments aren't coming across as me being
critical of the kernel-package. I think Manoj has done a great job
with this utility. I am just making the comments so that things can
be made even better, and so that future people don't make the same
mistakes I have made.
"They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them!"
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