From: "Ashley Collins" <>
Subject: PPP weirdness
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 11:34:11 GMT
I have just registered with UK ISP and am seeing some
weird problems once the dial-up connection has been made. I used pppconfig
to set up the config files and authentication is done using CHAP.
Here is the problem:
1) Once connected I can ping and traceroute to hosts on the internet with
problems (ICMP traffic).
2) If I telnet to hosts on the internet, I only see the login prompt once
the connection has timed out.
3) Loading web pages does not work either.
Once the connection is made I have a default route pointing at the PPP
interface. I have VMWare installed with it's dummy private network kernel
modules which also have a route to
Running tcpdump on ppp0 I see lots of outbound traffic and very little
inbound traffic. Pinging hosts I can see the echoes and replies. Running
telnet and trying to load web pages with netscape, I see outbound requests
going out instantly and as much as 5 mins after telnet and netscape have
stopped running! DNS requests seem to be serviced promptly.
I am running unstable Debian (updated daily) with kernel 2.2.14 SMP.
I do get crosstalk on my phone line occasionally and I thought maybe Red
Ant's set up was more sensitive than my other ISP (from the login banner
when using minicom, it looks like they have 3COM kit at their end). But the
problems still occur when there is no crosstalk.
I know this all sounds a little far fetched but has anyone seen this before
or have any ideas how to diagnose problem further?
I have a BT Internet account which works fine but I would prefer to use Red
Hot Ant as they have a 24x7 freephone number (unmetered access). I know
Windows users and a Linux Mandrake user who have no problems with the
Many thanks.
Ashley Collins
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