Re: Proprietary CD ROM Controller
In a message dated 4/27/00 10:26:10 PM EST, writes:
> In that portion of the install (You will have to make the rescue and root
> floppies as well as the driver floppies)... where it asks you to load
Excuse the clueless question (I'm a total newbie at this) but although I
made a boot disk, how do I make a root and driver floppy? :-)
modules, the modules for sony-cd's are in there somewhere. I think under
cd-rom (not for IDE CDROMS). I know this drive is supported (95% Sure).
Yes, according to the web site it is supported.
- Manu
> I'm in the process of trying to install Debian from CD (I bought the
> package in a store) on a 486/66, with the eventual goal of being
> of the evil Gatesoft empire :-) But my problem is I have a SONY CDU33A
> CD-ROM which uses a Sony Proprietary controller, and the installation
> doesn't see it and won't read from the CD-ROM. Does anyone have any tips
> getting the installation program to recognize the CD-ROM?
> Thans for your help!
> Best Wishes,
> Manu
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