Re: Learning Linux
I originally came from the MS-DOS world to Linux using Matt Welsh's
"Linux Installation and Getting Started". It is part of the Linux
Documantation Project, and hence, available at (click
"Guides", should be the first one listed). Note this was back about 3 years ago
I read it. It probably won't cover a Debian install, (since most distributions
have their own custom install programs), but provided you can get past the
install, this guide should be invaluible. (If you can't get past the install,
go to the distributions website (, if you're using debian) and
read their installation manuals).
Do yourself a favor, and PRINT IT OUT. It comes in postscript format, so you
should be able to just drag-n-drop the postscript file to your printer.
In fact, since each distribution installs in its own way, reading this book
brefore the install should give you a fairly good clue as to how to get through
just about any distibution's installation.
Also, this book covers general Linux concepts. If you get stuck on something,
like configuring your CD-ROM drive or printer, you shouldf go to the HOWTO's,
which are also availabel on the site.
Hope this helps,
On 02-May-2000 Steven Burns wrote:
> Hi Sahap:
> You and I are in the same boat. I recently became interested in linux and am
> now
> trying to install Debian GNU/Linux from the CD that came with the book,
> Learning
> Debian GNU/Linux by Bill McCarty. Unfortunately, the installation program on
> this CD
> doesn't seem to work with my computer. I believe the most popular linux
> distribution
> is Red Hat Linux; just look at Red Hat is more automated than
> Debian, so
> the initial set up would be easier with Red Hat. However, Debian gives you
> more
> control and the chance to understand what's going on in more detail.
> Anyway, I just thought you deserved a decent response with some specifics,
> rather
> than the lame-ass type of response you got from Mr. Peak. I mean, seriously,
> Mr.
> Peak's response gives absolutely no useful information. "I'd recommend
> getting a
> good Linux book to help you get started?" Well - NO DUH!!! The question is
> which
> book!
> I recently posted a question to this group about the problem I'm having with
> the
> Debian installation program and got a similarly useless response.
> Steven
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