RE: Mail/news software
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Lamb []
> Sent: Sunday, 30 April 2000 10:11 PM
> To: Kovacs Istvan
> Cc: Debian User List
> Subject: Re: Mail/news software
> I'll now let people try to prove me wrong but
> so far I have not seen a beast which comes close to the usability
> of Windows applications. Sure, they have the power to do some impressive
> stuff, but they don't have the interface to match.
I agree. Over the years I have tried various linux mail/news readers and
web browsers. Unfortunately, while they may be very powerful I still
prefer to use Outlook and Internet Explorer.
The day I find suitable replacements Win98 is off this machine. I check
the freshmeat site every few days in hope.
Each now and again I do consider writing my own mail/new reader for linux.
It really a matter of getting enough time and motivation.
I don't like the Netscape browser on either Win98 or Linux. It's clunky
and seems to crash with a greater regularity than Internet Explorer.
So I use Win98 for the internet and Debian for work.
Regards ...
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