Re: overhead slides?
On Thu, May 04, 2000 at 09:22:23AM +1000, Brian May wrote:
> Is there any DFSG free software for producing overhead slides?
> Something like seminar.sty (latex) would be ideal, but thats in
> tetex-nonfree. Also, gs often produces the following fatal gs error
> when viewing it with gv. :-(.
<errors snipped>
> If nothing better exists, I will use it anyway, but just curious what
> other options might exist.
As of Latex2E, there is a slide class as part of the base package.
Since it's pretty short, I'll throw in a one slide sample.
----- Begin sample file -----
% The clock option lets you put timings onto the notes
% This is basically just a cover sheet.
Sample Viewgraphs
% Here we begin the start of the acrtual slide.
\begin{center}\Large Advantage of \texttt{slides}\end{center}
\item Uses special fonts
\item Forces key words instead of long text
% This keyword and ...
\item Supports color layers
% ... this keyword get explained shortly.
Color commands may be used {\invisible as color layers}
% The slide class lets you do overlays. In the slide section
% above, the text after the \invisible and before the \visible
% won't get printed. If you then do a copy and paste into a
% section for the overlay, and then change the \visible to
% \invisible and vice versa you get an overlay with just the
% parts missing from the slide.
\begin{center}\Large Advantage of \texttt{slides}\end{center}
\item Uses special fonts
\item Forces key words instead of long text
\item Supports color layers
Color commands may be used {\visible as color layers}
% This is the command to put a timing onto a note. A counter is
% initialized to 0, and then time can be added or subtracted
% using the \addtime command. There is also a \settime command
% The value in the {} is in seconds, and is displayed as minutes
% and seconds on the note.
Add the overlay only for \LaTeX~2.09
----- End sample file -----
I can't say for sure that this will do what you want, but it
might at least be close. And the slide.cls is contained in the
tetex base package, so it is free.
Mike Werner KA8YSD | "Where do you want to go today?"
ICQ# 12934898 | "As far from Redmond as possible!"
'91 GS500E |
Morgantown WV | Only dead fish go with the flow.
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