Does Applix data read Oracle databases?
One of the commercial vendors' websites (I've now forgotten who) alleges
in very clear terms that the Applix 5.0 Data application (in Applixware
Office Suite) can open and read Oracle database files. However, the
Applix web page does not make this claim.
I have a rather strong need to read Oracle database files and a
similarly strong aversion to laying out the dough for Oracle and then
learning to use it. A friend of mine with a very fast web connection
has taken a few stabs at the downloadable Oracle version and thrown up
his hands in defeat trying to get it to work, and he is considerably
more experienced than I. I am hoping Applixware might get me out of this
Does anyone on this list use Applixware and know whether it can open and
read Oracle files? I don't need to do anything to the files, just read
them. (They are US Government files obtained under the Freedom of
Information Act.)
Thanks very much.
Erik Ryberg
Running Debian GNU/Linux
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