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Re: Using gnuserv (Re: bigots - was Emacs - was Mail/news software)

>>>>> "Chris" == Chris Gray <cgray@nowonder.com> writes:

  Chris> People always get lots of responses from queries like this,
  Chris> but this seems like the obvious way to do it:

  Chris> pidof xemacs && gnuclient -q $1 || xemacs -nw $1

Yep, that works. In the hopes of saving a newbie or two some time,
here's _exactly_ what I put into ~/.bashrc:

        # for editing
        function gnue() {
        [ $# = 1 ] && pidof xemacs && gnuclient -q $1 || xemacs -nw $1;

After editing and saving the file, source it (. ~/.bashrc) at a shell
prompt, and then gnue FILE will do the right thing.

(Don't forget to put (gnuserv-start) in your .emacs file!)

Thanks to Chris and the other people in the thread,

           [ John S Jacobs Anderson ]------><URL:mailto:jacobs@genehack.org>
[ Genehack: Not your daddy's weblog ]------><URL:http://genehack.org>

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