Re: Promise FastTtrack66 RAID Card
Subject: Promise FastTtrack66 RAID Card
> Has anyone had any experience or success getting Debain to run on a
> FastTrack66 IDE RAID card? I tried moving a Debain setup from the onobard
> IDE to the FT66 IDE but LILO only got to "LIL-" and died. So I thought
> maybe I should see if anyone else has had experience with the FastTrack
> before I continue.
> Thanks,
> Raven
Bad luck I guess, I'v been told last year to wait untill the first quarter
of 2000, then I was told second quarter 2000. Still looking every week or
>From the Promise FAQ, from somewere around june 1999:
SUSPECT: Linux Support, RedHat, FastTrak66
QUESTION: Will the FastTrak66 work in Linux?
ANSWER: There is no support for the FastTrak66 in the Linux OS. At this
point, there are plans to provide such support - under the RedHat version.
WHEN the support is implemented is the only remaining question. When the
time comes, the drivers will be posted on our website.
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