Re: X display wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 30, 2000 at 05:58:46PM +0000, John Carline wrote:
> > >
> > > > ( what is olwm and many other apprev...I done no!!)?
> >
> > Missed this question. Olwm is a windows manager not a xserver. You can
> > load one windows manager or several and then switch between them. Windows
> > managers are what you seed when the xserver starts. Everyone has their
> ^^^^
> s/seed/need/
Ahhhh! Nope! Sorry, but you missed that one. Seed should have read 'see'.
I was wondering where that damn 'd' went. It was missing from an email I sent
out two days ago. Ain't it just amazing how a letter can hide in you computer
and then jump into an email when you least expect it??? ;-)
> For a visual and feature-wise comparison of window managers, try the
> Window Managers for X page
Excellent suggestion.
> ...though note that features not evident in static screenshots can make
> a tremendous differnce. My pick is WindowMaker. For a MS Windoze
> background newbie I'd suggest KDE and/or Gnome, in about that order.
> Blackbox is also cool. Olwm is based off of Sun's OpenLook window
> manager. Bretty bletchly IMO.
> > You also need a file manager. Take a look at TkDesk or midnight commander.
> s/need/may want/
> A file manager isn't essential. ls, cp, rm, and mv will get you a long
> way <g>. However, there are several drag'n'drop file managers.
Absolutely true, and we don't need X either :-).
However one of the reasons I like TkDesk (especially for a newby) is that all
the above is included, plus an excellent editor, plus the ability to seed (er!
make the see ;-)) several directories deep. My recommendation for a newby is
choose TkDesk, set the options to see all files and long listing. Then browse
the directories at will, reading all the configuration files and readmes of
interest. It's amazing how much you can learn.
Of course, your opinion may differ :-)
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