Re: solved: Re: Help, please. PCI128 sound card seen, but not heard
At 08:45 AM 5/5/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Hello all,
>After nearly deciding to settle for the commercial sound drivers, yet
>another post from this list (thanks all!) urged me to retry the ALSA
>drivers. I went back and again compiled the latest source after fully
>cleaning out my system. What made the difference this time was discovering
>that alsamixer does not unmute the channels simply by adjusting the volumes
>(one of those RTFM cases, instead of simply diving in...).
Sorry for the second post, but I felt it important to mention a few things
for anyone else who may struggle at some point in the future on this (and
is searching the archives). The kernel driver (es1371 support) did not
work for me despite unmuting the channels under Gnome's mixer or through
command line mixers. Those were different than alsamixer.. they have a
more obvious mute control.
So I don't know what the problem was with that driver. The ALSA package (I
used the latest from their site -- ) worked very well.
(They have a vey good uninstall if you need that, too... :) The mini-HOTO
they provide was useful, though a bit outdated. Combined with the INSTALL
doc, the work was fairly painless. I am using the init.d file created by
Debian's package of alsa drivers (an older version), with all aliases
mentioned in the install package for the ens1371 set in
Dr. Kenward Vaughan ':,^'````
Professor of Chemistry \;:/
Bakersfield College |,;|
Bakersfield, CA 93305 / ', \
/ o O \ (oOoOOoOo)
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