Re: Emacs - was Re: Mail/news software
Brian May <> wrote regarding Re: Emacs - was Re: Mail/news
> >>>>> "Richard" == Richard Taylor <> writes:
> Richard> Win hasn't required an autoexec.bat since '95. -- My
> Richard> other computer's running Debian. {}
> I think you need it in order to setup the environment (compilers
> seem to require this) and/or load doskey.
That's dos and specific software not windows. You can
do that all with batchfiles anyway.{Strange you've got
to use it for the first install on a CD, much decent
software, etc...} I imagine that if you run only win
'95 {Ms} specific software that you can actually get
away with it.
At any rate... this is a Debian list. :}
My other computer's running Debian. {}
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