debian-user Apr 2004 by thread
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Qt-3.3.1 hugo vanwoerkom
Upgrading to 2.6 Christopher Judd
Re: Debian in Server Farm Pigeon
Re: Re: Re: resolv.conf file Matthew Cross
Debian put into a broken state Sean O'Dell
Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2004 #1086 SheyZ SheyZ
Odd machine behavior - kernel processes dying, no entropy Steve Lamb
VoIP with Debian Bryan Ladd
How do I install a BIN file? Richard Blake
USB pen drive eduardo . gargiulo
Mozilla Package : Who to contact for suggestions Steve
samba + win2k = oplock problem? Matt
Installing problems Javier García
Re: invoke-rc.d: initscript apache, action "start" failed. debian
Re: Re: W32.HLLW.Gaobot.gen Eduardo Jimenez
Re: 'su by nobody' - should I be worried? Matthijs
Stumped with a Posix/Perl Question William Ballard
Could not find OpenSSL on Debian Christopher Hollow
ppp problems Phil
NFS problem between Solaris & Debian Mauricio
RE: /dev/psaux Drogo Bumbleroot
Re: Java crashing Firefox [SOLVED] Patrick Wiseman
woody-30r0 Enrique Samson Jr.
package popularity and jigdo Enrique Samson Jr.
Preventing default route being wrongly attached robert fernando
Re: Preventing default route being wrongly attached Bill Marcum
Re: cyrus fun Mauricio
Balsa/mutt/POP3/postfix under GNOME on Debian/Sarge debian3
RPMs on debian Phil
xbase-client will not install Rodney D. Myers
Re: Re: aol art files: Darleen124
Quake on Debian? Mike Chandler
Help! update - upgrade Problem Dr.-Ing. C. Hurschler
Cyrus-sasl plus e-mail server Didier Caamano
what package provides Anthony Campbell
Re: problem with /dev/cdrom --) /dev/cdrom0 [solved] Mauro Darida
apt-get install hangs while unpacking David Hattery
RE: Re: Your archive receive . alerts
Re: Make Debian package from CVS sources of upstream program? Brian Nelson
kwin 4:3.2.1-1 does not start kde Timothy C. McGrath
What's the mistake in this init script? Adam Funk
Just Lost KDE Access Scarletdown
Squidguard vs Dansguardian Pete Clarke
More info (Was: NFS problem between Solaris & Debian) Mauricio
debian, gnome and shutdown again... Michal R. Hoffmann
Toshiba M30-841 laptop installation Miky J
Sarge jigdo versions Diepeveen, Jos
Problem installing Sarge from ISO images Galicic, Joseph R.
file import into body of an email message created on mozilla debian 1.0.0.woody.1 robert fernando
Undelivered mail: private? DrWeb-DAEMON
netstat -nr shows all interfaces but lo... is this normal ? John Kennedy
your email has been received, please register to send txt2mail
Upgrade loses network card Philip Pinkerton
How to create a *freezed* distribution of a debian mirror Bruno BEAUFILS
Re: Exim, Cyrus, Mutt + what? Paul Mackinney
keep users alert to packages deleted from debian Dan Jacobson
devfs / noflusd Michael Satterwhite
Slackware to Debian migration Steve George
Gnome 2.6 Philip Pinkerton
Unable to unmount /initrd during startup Jaap Haitsma
Modules from other dist's ?? Phil
"cant't synthesize" usb msgs in Sarge hugo vanwoerkom
logging and playing back input devices nico dreher
Using Hauppauge TV card remote with 2.6 kernel Daniel Teichert
HELP Great Problem: devs lost Jaime Soriano Pastor
Debian WiFi card recomendations please Ben Edwards (lists)
Re: Your product ScanMail has blocked your mail due a mail policy. MBD2000/MBD%MBD
111 and 765th ports problem E&Erdem
Boot stuck when network is down Jani Uusitalo
need advice Iptables/2.4.25 Thierry
Problem with SiS7012 solved Bokeron
permissions for /var/mail/.fetchmail-UIDL-cache Antonio Rodriguez
dvd & tv-out problem with X Kristian Niemi
- Message not available
- Message not available
- Message not available
What's Wrong With My Perl Install? Robert Tilley
Mkinitrd doesn't build Otto Wyss
Unidentified subject! Matic Ivanovski
Root1 smurfd
Accessing MySQL across private network Mark Gillingham
make debian package of php 4.3.5 for debian woody Alain
Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an unserem Unternehmen! sale 4u
How can I halt the PC during boot if CPU is running too fast? William Ballard
mp3's play too slowly stan
Soundblaster 16 pnp Christopher J. Noyes
Perl Help Robert Tilley
Re: Useful new package management tool Alex Malinovich
need tool to configure network Christian Eyrich
2.6.4 initrd umount problem workaround (resend) David Baron
ext3 journal problem Marvin Stodolsky
Postfix2.0.19-1 fails to install jokke heikkila
Postfix2.0.19-1 fails install Jokke Heikkilä
Dial up problems when upgrading 2.4 to 2.6 kernel Thomas Beresford
apt-get kde 3.2 problem with testing Reetinder P. S. Sidhu
<>&Subject=Re: Dial up problems when upgrading 2.4 to 2.6 kernel Thomas Beresford
Webmin install problem might be openssl or hostname james
How to mount NFS system behind DSL routers Raúl Alexis Betancort Santana
Re: Bad Request list
mc with ext2undel on sarge? hugo vanwoerkom
[newbie] Dependency problems installing libssl0.9.7 Mark Woon
Database performance Christopher L. Everett
does highlight package support fortran 90? Kamaraju Kusumanchi
Unsubscription Confirmation webmaster
how does one page down in gv? Dan Jacobson
Visor & Pilot-xfer - Not synching up regularly Jon Hughes
[Fwd: Re: ext3 journal problem] Marvin Stodolsky
slrn drawing characters problem in Konsole Faheem Mitha
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