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Re: Boot stuck when network is down

> >> So here's the question: is it normal and/or acceptable for
> >> network-depending processes to stall the whole boot process when
> Yes, this is normal.  The usual one people complain about is
> Sendmail.  The trick is to go into your configuration and make it such
> that network configuration (or configuration of apps that depend on
> it) happens after boot.

Then, what would be the proper ('Debian'?) way to do such configuration? Are you referring to individual apps' configurations, their init.d scripts or is there any one centralized place where I can achieve such behaviour for all the apps I choose?

What you're describing sounds just like something I'm after; though it's not often I need to reboot Debian (and these network-related problems during boot are even fewer), it's annoying having to wait seemingly indefinitely for something I know isn't going to work. I'd like the system to be just as smart about it, identifying tasks it can leave behind or to be performed later in the background, not keeping me waiting for it.

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