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Re: Boot stuck when network is down

> Firstly, a question about questions; is it ok to ask although I'm
> reading the digest? Should I be subscribing to the actual list instead?

Don't see what this is a problem - you just won't see the reply until you get
your digest
Okay, I just ran into one problem; I can't reply properly, and so I have to do quoting manually. I'll try my best but it'll look ugly, sorry about that.

> So here's the question: is it normal and/or acceptable for
> network-depending processes to stall the whole boot process when they're
> unable to access the network - I mean, is there maybe some sort of

AFAIK - the only hold up in the process will be the network script
in /etc/init.d trying to bring the network up with (probably) dhclient. On
my (unstable) system it tries at several intervals - increasingly longer
delays until it gives up. I think the delay is a couple of minutes - but
after that it continues as normal.

I agree its annoying - but I haven't ever had to interfere manually as long as
I leave it long enough
So I take it it's normal then and I was just being too impatient. I'll try keeping my hands off the keyboard (and the reset button) the next time this happens - luckily downtime hasn't been a major problem in our network (at least up to now) so it may be a while until I get to test this.

Thanks for the quick reply!

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