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Re: debian, gnome and shutdown again... [Solution]

Robert Wood wrote:

I've already found it, but no, it is not sufficient. As I've written I'm
looking for something to save-session-then-shutdown. This method allows to
shutdown, but not to save session.

The best would be "one button on the panel" solution, just my kids could
use it (and they are small, they rather cannot read yet).

Why not write a tiny shell script and add your own icon to the panel... something like this should work (untested).



# add the following to sudoers file
# rob		ALL = /sbin/shutdown -h now
/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now

thanks a'lot, this works :) and is easiest way I think. Without getting any rpms.

BTW, setting suid on /sbin/shutdown is a big security hole?
***  Michal R. Hoffmann        |    <mailto:misiek@knm.org.pl>      ***
***             -= member of: KNM, ZUKiH, HCKU =-                   ***

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