debian-kde May 2001 by thread
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Using xscreensaver under KDE2? Hendrik Sattler
Missing "kdesdk" Kolja Brix
"experimental" kde 2.2 cvs version Maximilian Reiss
Problems with apt-get install task-kde Toni
Fonts Stephan Jaensch
Stuttering toolbars Michael Epting
ksock.h ? James D. Freels
Just upgraded Konqueror, now can't configure it Greg Ward
Testing and KDE Stephen J . Thompson
kde 2.2 Philipp Schmid
utmp in konsole Frank Dekervel
Stuttering KMail + WM Selection Robert Tilley
Knode-email reply from addressbook? mikepolniak
Starting non-KDE applications on all desktops Stephan Jaensch
kde 2.2 beta deps Philipp Schmid
konq and tucows Jaye Inabnit ke6sls -- What happened? Robert Tilley
KDM Login Problem Robert Tilley
Sound module not loading everding
Newest update seems to have something removed ??? Jan Torben Heuer
configure KDE default MUA to mutt Zheng You-Zhong
Creating projects in Quanta using CVS Joseph Schlecht
Compiling Quanta: -lssl Chris Howells so I don't get any more mail Ivan E. Moore II
thread reading in kmail - howto? Jaye Inabnit ke6sls
How to disable the Message-ID creation in kmail? Hendrik Sattler
can't log into KDE using Ximian's gdm James Lindenschmidt
list of mirrors G. L. `Griz' Inabnit
Packaging WM themes - question Ben Burton
Bug#98688: RFP: knapster2 -- KDE2 napster client Jaldhar H. Vyas unreachable? Giacomo Mulas
libssl096 for kde2 Scott E. Graves
How do I get "unknown key" recognized Debian User
Fwd: User Quota Exceeded Jaye Inabnit ke6sls
WM (KDE) themes - current plan Ben Burton
is anyone here using 2.2 CVS ? Jens Benecke
How To Get Gimp 1.2.1 For Debian ? Nick
apt-get update/upgrade broke my potato Bud Rogers
Sources.list --> Testing ??? Robert Tilley
RIP -- Now what? Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim
libkmid is going wacko Brendan O'Connor
How to run java-applets in konqueror? Hendrik Sattler
KDM Failure + Kcontrol errors hdcool
KDE and crypto Christoph Gaitzsch
Possible bug in kmail Ricardo Villalba
Error when I close a KDE application. Ricardo Villalba
What's happened to Brahms? John Gay
Audio problems w/es1371 nphyre
Problems Upgrading To Woody Robert Tilley
Pre-compiled Quanta available? Chris Howells
To: John Gay Robert Tilley
kde2.2 alpha2 Maximilian Reiss
autoconf2.13 vs. autoconf Debian User
The last update was on 08:23 GMT Sun May 12. There are 459 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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