debian-user Feb 2005 by thread
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lpadmin: add-printer (set model) failed: client-error-not-found Jacob Friis Larsen
mount and boot an existing linux partition from net-install cdrom ikke mezelf
Please help with printing to a Samba printer Bob Alexander
multiple Cisco ATA188's behind a NAT; they can call out but can't call in Gerard J. Cerchio
Errors installing Crossover Pro 4.1 on Debian sarge Randall J. Parr
how to unsubscribe? Nick Smith
XP and Sarge Dual Boot.... debianlist
Re: XP and Sarge Dual Boot.... Mike Smith
Re: XP and Sarge Dual Boot.... Sergio Basurto Juarez
Running startx fails as a non-privileged user Ron Johnson
RE: ReiserFS bugchecks on external drive (was Re: USB 2.0 Drive R eliability/Stability?) Fisher, Jason
Backingup/restoring by partion Glenn Davy
Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2005 #308 Gerard J. Cerchio
apt/dpkg error installing nvu 0.70-1 on sarge Randall J. Parr
How to install an icon to the kde panel if icon is not known to kde? Edward C. Jones
OpenOffice disciple
mkfs.ext3 to reiserfs Micha Mutschler
Stupid newbie question... The Ayatollah of Rock and Rollah
hardware compatibility Gianluca Gasperini
Re: kernel? 2.4.x vs 2.6.x Todd A. Jacobs
Re: Re: APRS under Linux vic pope
Re: access to Xserver refused ??? Todd A. Jacobs
Re: Procmail Todd A. Jacobs
What Kernel has this Hardware? Chris Gray
every restart kde - need to reconfigure alsa sound with kmix , alsamixergui, tkmixer etc Mitchell Laks
how to patch kernel 2.2 and compile a module with it j smith
ISP won't accept mail remotely from Exim but does with Mozilla Nate Bargmann
[OT] Qmail Rocks and SQUID ? Nayyar Ahmed
Program notifications, GAIM & Thunderbird Rob Brenart (TT)
net install , initrd, kernel 2.6.10 install woes J.F.Gratton
Quik help? SigmaX
Linux and e-commerce ken keanon
Re: Linux and e-commerce John Foster
<Possible follow-ups>
Linux and e-commerce ken keanon
equivalent package kde-i18n-ar in gnome? belahcene
No weekly build this week Hannes Mayer
Fed up with GNOME want to go back to KDE Bob Alexander
how to run mplayer as user Mauro Darida
max file sizes stopping tar backups? michael
[Solved] One postfix queue for mail sent via different accounts? Andreas Rippl
How to configure Services P Girish
[Fwd: Re: ISP won't accept mail remotely from Exim but does with Mozilla] Nate Bargmann
installing rpm -- changing dependencies Tim Gruene
WPA-SPK Cisco Aironet 350 Mike Smith
Re: Writing to SMB share fails from some applications Clive Menzies
logcheck and grep error in testing Andreas Rabus
backup folder onto DVDs BRINER Cedric
Proveedor en Venezuela Oscar A. Colmenares C.
dhcrelay or route issue Dr. Lars Hanke
Clara OCR experience? Csányi Pál
Why does dynamic memory allocation take so long? Scotty Fitzgerald
Re: Help, sound isn't working (solved) Gerardo Ballabio
Re: USB under kernel 2.6.8 Alexander Jordan
Newbie kernel upgrade advice James Scott
Debian List for Idiot Debian Users - seriously. Mr. Jan Hearthstone
Owner of CUPS config files Marvin Renich
Software patents... Ralph Crongeyer
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