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Reconfigure GRUB ( at MBR on one Hard disk ) HOWTO?


I have one PC with two hard disk-drives
One original XP (80GB).
The rest as Debian Linux (20GB out of 80GB)

1.Can I reconfigure H.D.s to have more spaces?
2.Can I takeaway the first H.D. which has GRUB
  installed to boot Linux at the Second H.D.?
2-1 How can I?

Thank you for your kind replies.

#Happy Linux RT!

******** Behind the question ***********************
1. The purpose : Use RTLInux to controle machinery.

2. Status: Two desktop PCs kernel were managed to be 
           updated to be
           RTLinux 3.2 with kernel 2.4.27.
           But one of them got screwed up by letting 
           it lose control of biggest partition and
           finally re-installing.
3. Diagonizing my work :
           One partition with swap partition is better.
           because no risk of let it to lose attention
           to the fragments of partitions..... true?..

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Yahoo! JAPAN

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