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Re: switch from 2.4.24 lvm1 to 2.6.10 lvm 2 problems

On Fri, Feb 11, 2005 at 12:32:12AM +0100, Benedict Verheyen wrote:
> Well, i tried as you said to run the commands in the script by hand and 
> this what happened:
> * hit enter to enter a shell
> * mount -nt proc proc proc failed because it was alread mountend, no biggie


> * then the test [-e /proc/lvm] || exit 1 produces a kernel panic so the 
> /proc/lvm isn't there (because of lvm2 probably)

Well, that strongly suggests to me you've got something wrong with
your kernel... I've just tried it on a box running 2.6.6 that has no
LVM support, and it handles it just fine. Presumably you don't see
/proc/lvm in 'ls /proc'... possibly the module isn't loaded yet - it
seemed, when I was doing research for my own root LVM, that the
modules may not be loaded when you think they should have been - so
it's probably worth trying to modprobe it by hand, check for the
existence of /proc/lvm with ls, and try the test again.

It still shouldn't produce a kernel panic just because of the module
not being loaded, though. Perhaps it's worth trying with a different
version of 2.6.

> * anyway, i reboot and do not type that line again, so the next command 
> is this: mkdir tmp/tmpetc
> and this fails because "it's a readonly file system"

The linuxrc script produced by the standard mkinitrd process, on
woody, includes a line to mount a writable fs on /tmp:

mount -nt tmpfs tmpfs tmp || mount -nt ramfs ramfs /tmp

(obviously the kernel needs to support either tmpfs or ramfs). In my
setup, this has already been executed by the time we get to the point
where we need a writable /etc. Sounds like we need to look further
back in your initrd script, and make sure that there is something of
the sort happening; if it's there and it's not working, I'd guess your
kernel doesn't have tmpfs or ramfs support.

I've added a tarball of the initrd image my method produced (minus the
binaries and modules) to the page on my site, so it's clear what has
been done by my mkinitrd scripts.

> I then tried to even remake the initrd with a script that makes a ext2 
> image instead of a cramfs but that fails too.

The ext2 image will still be mounted read-only. You need to include

mount -nt / -o remount,rw

at the start of the script to get it mounted read-write.


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