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Re: mkfs.ext3 to reiserfs

On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 09:49:02PM +0100, Micha Mutschler wrote:

> Is there any chance to restore the data from that reiserfs partition?

I don't know of any utilities that will automate this on Reiser FS. You
could probably do a sector-by-sector reconstruction if you have the time
and expertise, but it's not something I'd wish on anyone.

If the data is valuable, send it to a recovery company. Places like
OnTrack Data (and plenty of others, I'm sure) charge a chunk of $$$, but
they do this sort of thing for a living.

That said, even professional help is unlikely to turn it back into a
functional filesystem. The best you're going to be able to do is
possibly salvage critical data files if you're very lucky.

In other words, the common case is to cut your losses, learn from the
experience, and never do anything as root without some sort of rollback
plan in mind.

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