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Re: switch from 2.4.24 lvm1 to 2.6.10 lvm 2 problems

Pigeon wrote:

If so, is there a handy script
to run through the dirs and include them?
Not that I know of; I just redirected the output from 'find', as on
Yep, i found on your site how you did it and it's already in my new initrd :)

At work i managed a while ago to get lvm2 up and running on a 2.6.7
kernel. But that's different
as i installed sarge which comes with a 2.6.7 kernel.
I thought, well i can build the kernel already here, install it, and
then run the scripts from your
site to include the necessary files in exe and files under /et/mkinitrd.
Now AGAIN, mkinitrd says this:

cribbage# mkinitrd -o initrd.img- -r
/usr/sbin/mkinitrd: /dev/mapper/main-lv_root: Kernel does not support LVM

cribbage# grep "DM" /boot/config-

WTF. This must be a mkinitrd bug surely?
I included it in the kernel, i will to list DM again as module and see
if that make mkinitrd behave.

I'm using woody, and the woody version of mkinitrd doesn't have that
error message... I downloaded the sarge/sid version from
packages.debian.org and had a (quick) look at the script ('mkinitrd'
is a shell script), and from that quick look it does look like a bug;
it seems to check if the modules exist and if they don't it assumes
the kernel doesn't support LVM, without checking whether the support
has actually been compiled in.

I recompiled a kernel with lvm 2 support as module instead of built in to see if mkinitrd would choke on it this time and now it indeed continues to build an initrd so IMHO it is a bug.
Thanks for checking that !

I'll try that new kernel tonight and see what happens.


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