debian-user Feb 1999 by thread
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changing timezone Pollywog
Re:dfm John Greer
slink=frozen still?? Ken Long
Pop authentication from a Netware server? Dale E. Martin
Best partitioning scheme? Kent West
SCSI errors on Install Kent West
Error Installin XBase Daniel . Farmer
New Dual Mount Copy Holder by Rubbermaid remove
Firewall Tony Schonfeld
Adaptec 7770? Joao Paulo Figueiredo
Tex David Webster
loadlin... smarks
Ejecting scsi tape Chris Hoover
XFree86 3.3.3 John Welling
Kanji characters? homega
dpkg and configuring packages J K
xterm-debian? Navindra Umanee
suggestion to installation team regarding /var Stuart Marshall
patching one kernel only ktb
Netscape Fonts Chris Hoover
Bridging Networks lwbuss
hp cdwriter (where to mount?) Paul Nathan Puri
Help. Trying to upgrade to hamm 2.0.36 Tim Heuser
Managing /usr/local Gary L. Hennigan
Odd Mutt Behavior Lance Hoffmeyer
Windows making me crazy Paul Nathan Puri
Strage Problem with FTPd and Telnetd but not SSH. Jay Barbee
WindowMaker themes -> Debian packages Daniel Burrows
Cron examples? James R. Lunsford
dpkg error Shane Wegner
System Freaking out Chris Hoover
creating 10 disks of Debian mastracco
Dhelp need help Mario Bertrand
[Fwd: Help. Trying to upgrade to hamm 2.0.36] Tim Heuser
help with deselect Tony
custom compile xfree86 deb package Matt Garman
To Patch, or Not To Patch (A Kernel) Mark Wagnon
How do I find what a source package depends on? Robert King
AIC7XXX: parameters at boot promt. Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren
lp error Ian Stuart
kernel 2.2.1 message Shao Zhang
latex Shao Zhang
I've removed /etc. How can I restore it? Conrado Badenas
I always have to log in as root!? Robert-Jan Kuijvenhoven
New home page address Helmut Leinfellner
gnuplot/libvga and permissions Jose L. Gomez Dans
wwwoffle woes (fwd) keyoz
Problem with make--kpkg... no .deb package created! Rich Hartman
The last update was on 07:04 GMT Wed Jun 05. There are 3954 messages. Page 5 of 8.
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