debian-user Feb 1999 by thread
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PPP and Modem Question Danny R. Gray
installing/using an old IBM tape drive James D. Freels
gnome + gtk + dpkg Graham Ashton
Re: Quicktime player for Linux? Greg Starkes
Re: netscape Tim Heuser
Changing ethernet cards Danny R. Gray
Modem freezeup again ktb
chmod script Pere Camps
x11amp deb? Daniel Elenius
connecting a zip krosigk
Why Linux can crash when connected to internet? Conrado Badenas
is this mailing list still up? ulisses
unknown libs Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
TK installation ktb
Unidentified subject! Philip Andrew dyer
Network problem Hersh, Harry
potato Daniel Elenius
Re: mod_roaming for apache - won't load (slink) Jens B. Jorgensen
Debian Linux 2.0.2 and latex2html Sebastian Canagaratna
KDE 1.1p2 & qt1g package Brian Morgan
Wordperfect 8.0 install Brian Morgan
(no subject) Thomas P. Egloff
Using kernel-2.2.0 with debian2.0? Jan Krupa
xhost Richard Hall
Re: debian-user trailer line: incomprehensible to those who need it Kirk Hogenson
Printing portrait postscript as landscape Mark Phillips
Utility for flattening symlinks Bob Hilliard
Tracking installs MallarJ
linuxconf installation conflicts Chris Ryan
Re: Big Problem with Debian-Installing... Kent West
Re: Compaq Deskpro EP Mark van Walraven
sound with 2.2.1 Robert Rati
dpkg-source Frederick Page
path problems? Emil Soleyman
gnome Paulo Silva
X11R6: No acceleration primitives defined Matthias Schulz
about egcs Jian Gong
Where is kernel 2.2.0? M.C. Vernon
X11 and fvwm2: how to set screen size BOHICA
Invisible files smbfs W95 Jiri Baum
Re: how to install packages w/o package file? Jiri Baum
Re: Help with unzipping files. Jiri Baum
Re: Formatting drive Jiri Baum
Re: fetchmail (or maybe exim) eats messages Jiri Baum
Re: [Re: TAR command question ] Jiri Baum
where to look for linux programmers? Stuart Marshall
Help compiling my kernel MallarJ
LPRng - Solved!! Chuck Stickelman
Unofficial lyx_1.0.0-0.1_i386.deb available Paul Seelig
CD image: *.raw --> *.cif? Michael Phillips
netscape library dependencies? Chris Ryan
dual boot? Joo Hwan Jang
libc6 or libc5??? Tom Persons
Q: modem sportster message plus - advanced features Ingo Hohmann
errors in sources while compiling Kernels Ingo Hohmann
WP_8 find no X11R5 faoho
2.0 install problems ivan
slink: kernel-package fails schulte
Re: start-stop-daemon and multiple exim daemons Carey Evans
Re: man/apropos/mandb problem... Carey Evans
Re: setserial question Carey Evans
parallel port scanner under 2.2.0? Paul Nathan Puri
ypppasswdd and foreign chars Per Marker Mortensen
dpkg/apt/equivs problem Daniel Elenius
Mouse again! Jose L. Gomez Dans
i686-Debian Gunnar Schotta
Audio CD & MP3 Gregory Vandenbrouck
Latex / TeTex Local Guide D.L.Whiteley (Dave)
PCMCIA cd-rewriter. Help!! Mark Collier
Dial in access Peter Eades
how to adjust @INC Path of Perl Thomas Gebhardt
sendmail or smail =exim! Asokan P
Printing problems Patrick Colbeck
system frequently screws up when printing Thomas Gebhardt
Install Problems Al Votolato
LPRNG BUG? (WAS: truncated printing) Harrison, Shawn
Can I block _only_ privileged access with ipchains? Dale E. Martin
mailcap changed Stef Hoesli Wiederwald
KDE debs MallarJ
Re: KDM Sessions, was Re: RH vs Debian (Switch to Red Hat ?) ulisses
printing gobbledy gook??? Paul Nathan Puri
gnome .deb install probs Graham Ashton
Re: Problem with gpm/mouse in general Jose L. Gomez Dans
on linux mail, dns, http server judee itoy
Goodbye, people! Cristiano Viana
Thanks: Crypt Function Ted Behling
Re: [Debian]: isdn ppp bind: Can't find usable ippp device Oliver Thuns
Query for dpkg. Jose Albores
minicom config ktb
Notebook manufacturer recomendation Dave Swegen
Re: Help! I can't partition my disk. Jeff Katcher
exim: I get mail but cannot send Frederick Page
Switching between X and Text mode terminals Alfie Costa
Adding foreign keys Dave Swegen
Re: Help! I can't log in! (fwd) trio
ftp driver for Apt-0.30 missing buns
Unviewable pgp-signed messages Bob Nielsen
netscape on Debian, libc5 or libc6? Chris Ryan
Gnome-Panel Evan Van Dyke
MS FrontPage alternative? Frankie
Cant save my xf86config file, in user mode...... David Peterson
Slink CDs available Johnie Ingram
Re: LILO hassles Daniel Marquez-Klaka
ppp not working... Kelly Corbin
ppp and static IPs Hamish Moffatt
Re: Slow 'sendmail -q' frleg
off topic - Assembler using GCC ivan
How to force re-installing a package? Mamoun Alissali
The last update was on 07:04 GMT Wed Jun 05. There are 3954 messages. Page 1 of 8.
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