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Re: xdm & kdm


> 	I want to run xdm on vt7, and kdm on vt8. So how do I do it?

I do not remember quite exactly the process how I managed to do it, but it
worked ...

Well, you have to set up two independent directories - /etc/X11/xdm and
/etc/X11/kdm (you can copy /etc/X11/xdm to /etc/X11/kdm). Then, in each one,
in the file Xservers set the proper display for particular manager, like

/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers :

:0 frcatel local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 vt7

/etc/X11/kdm/Xservers :

:1 frcatel local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :1 vt8

Then rename the file xdm-config to kdm-config (in etc/X11/kdm) and edit it,
you have to change paths from /etc/X11/xdm to /etc/X11/kdm.

Then, copy /etc/init.d/xdm to /etc/init.d/kdm and edit it. In
/etc/init.d/kdm replace the contents of variables $DAEMON and $PIDFILE with
proper values (DAEMON=/usr/local/kde/bin/kdm or so,

There is a very important thing - you have to tell kdm it should read its
config files from /etc/X11/kdm. You can do it by passing the argument

-config /etc/X11/kdm config

to kdm when launching. In the /etc/X11/kdm file you'll find this line:

start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec $DAEMON

Change it to this:

start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec $DAEMON -- -config /etc/X11/kdm/kdm-config

(carefully about line breaks)

Save the /etc/X11/kdm .

As the last thing, issue the command

update-rc.d kdm defaults 99 01

so that the kdm will be launched every time the computer starts.

> 	Also, how do I force all my users to use /etc/X11/Xsession, rather
> than ~/.xsession??

Hmmm - they already use it, don't they? How do you know they aren't using

But if you want to prohibit users from using their own .xsession (although
this is not a very good idea IMHO), comment the line 


in /etc/X11/config file.

All the very best,
                      * Peter Paluch                  *
                      * Kukucinova 939/35             *
                      * 024 01 Kysucke Nove Mesto     *
                      * Slovakia, Europe              *
                      * ----------------------------- *
                      * mobil: +905 16 44 32          *
                      * domov: +421 826 421 2542      *

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