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Re: Documentation for WingZ spreadsheet for Linux?

On 13 Feb 1999, Paul Seelig wrote:

> I've stumbled over the WingZ and WingZPro spreadheets which have been
> released as binary freeware (!= open source) for Linux in december
> last year (see "http://www.wingz-us.com"; for details). 

> I've downloaded from "ftp://metalab.unc.edu"; and installed both WingZ
> and WingZPro and i'm rather pleased with these programs.  They are
> some very nice Motif apps (with a rather antique air surrounding it's
> handling and a bit slowish though) which can be used half intutively.
> But unfortunately for the non-intutive part there is no documentation
> at all included.  The website doesn't give any hint for a book or at
> least online manual i could fetch with "wget".  The only documentation
> i found so far with AltaVista is just for older versions and is just
> scratching the surface of these programs.  In older versions there was
> at least a help file included but unfortunately it doesn't match the
> current version at all.
> Does anybody know where i can find *proper* documentation for the
> recent WingZ-3.xx spreadsheets?  

I tried out wingzpro not so long ago.  I could not get it to accept input
from the keyboard into spreadsheet cells.  It also gave a segmentation
fault when I tried to import .xls files.  I reported that to the people
who distributed it as well as asking them about the documentation.  

Here is the reply I received:

>From sarat@iisc.co.uk
To: jhspies@alpha.futurenet.co.za
From: Sarah Tree <sarat@iisc.co.uk>
Subject: Re: Documentation for Wingz3Pro

Hello Johann

Your mail regarding your Wingz for Linux installation was passed to
me and I apologise for your not having received an answer earlier.

I have forwarded your query regarding  the import of files to our
technical desk and I should be able to send you their reply shortly. 

With regard to documentation; the Linux product is free for download
from the Web for non-commercial use - documentation and support
would be provided on payment of a fee. Our support technicians would
provide installation assistance but any further support would
require a valid support contract. 

If you decide to purchase documentation and perhaps support, please
confirm the requirement to me.

I've been advised by South African colleagues that there have been
some difficulties regarding delivery of packages in South Africa
from overseas - if this is so, and you confirm that you wish to
purchase documentation, I will find out if the documentation can be
made available to you on the Web.

Yours sincerely,

Sarah Tree
Sales Co-ordinator
*IISC			* *	e-mail:sarat@wingz.com  *
*22 City Road	* *	Tel: +44 (0)171 628 6960      *
*London EC1Y 2AJ	* *	Fax: +44 (0)171 638 7528      *

| Johann Spies                                 Windsorlaan 19              |
| jhspies@futurenet.co.za                3201 Pietermaritzburg             |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310		       Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

     "For by him were all things created, that are in  
      heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, 
      whether they be thrones, or dominions, or  
      principalities, or powers; all things were created by 
      him, and for him."         Colossians 1:16 

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