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Re: dmesg: What file?

In article <[🔎] m10CkDd-0005GoC@canax.onu.edu>,
Sebastian Canagaratna <scanagar@canax.onu.edu> wrote:
>Hi:  I was under the impression that the command dmesg
>just typed out the contents of /var/log/kern.log. This
>does not seem to be true. What is the file which dmesg
>is displaying?

I believe the kernel keeps a circular message buffer, and dmesg prints
out that. Some of the messages that go to the ring buffer also go to
/var/log/kern.log of course, so there is some overlap. However, istr
that in the default syslog setup, debug messages aren't logged so you
will see extra ones from dmesg.

Steve Haslam            Validation Engineer, ARM Limited, Cambridge, England
almost called it today, turned to face the void along with the suffering
and the question- "Why am I?"                                  [queensrÿche]

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