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Anyone using AIMS Lab Radio with kernel 2.2.1 !?


  Since I'd compiled kernel 2.2.1 i'm unable to control volume of my
radio card through xradiotrack or listen any
station using wmtune !

  I already had created /dev/radio but it still seems isn't working ...

lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           11 Feb 13 05:18 radio ->
crw-rw-r--   1 root     root      81,  64 Feb 13 05:18 radio0

 Is anyone having the same problem !?


 Best regards,
      Nuno Carvalho

   Nuno Emanuel F. Carvalho
 Dep. Informatics Engineering
    University of Coimbra

  PGP key available at finger

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