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Re: Kanji characters?

At Tue, 16 Feb 1999 22:50:09 +0100,
 <homega@vlc.servicom.es> wrote:

> I have someone who needs to look at some web pages in Japanese.  So far,
> Netscape shows some strange characters (they look nearly as strange as the
> right ones to me).  Does anyone know how to do this?

You need to install fonts package for Japanese characters,
xfntbig package in hamm, or xfonts-cjk in slink and/or potato.

And for some webpages, it is necessary to configure character set 
in Netscape.  From menu, View|Character Set and select one of
Japanese (Auto Detect), Japanese (Shift-JIS) or Japanese(EUC-JP).

Fumitoshi UKAI / Debian JP Project http://www.debian.or.jp/

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