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Re: hiding sterr

On 02/16/99 at 16:58:42, tracheotomy bob wrote concerning "hiding sterr":
> Hi all
> 	How do I hide error messages displaying on the console? I'm trying
> to set up IPX and whenever I get it wrong the screen is flooded with 
> error messages I don't know how to redirect them to either a file or
> /dev/null. Any suggestions would be helpful
> thanks

"man bash", then type "/Redirection" <enter>

snip follows, may not be exactly the snip you're looking for:

   Redirecting Standard Output and Standard Error
       Bash  allows  both the standard output (file descriptor 1)
       and the standard error output (file descriptor  2)  to  be
       redirected to the file whose name is the expansion of word
       with this construct.

       There are two formats for redirecting standard output  and
       standard error:


       Of  the two forms, the first is preferred.  This is seman­
       tically equivalent to

              >word 2>&1

so "command &>/dev/null"  will redirect both stdout and stderr;
"command 2>/dev/null" will redirect stderr only.

Pastor Jesse Jacobsen <jjacobsen@jvlnet.com>
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